
Safety Ambassadors : Heralds of Social Change

The Arundhati Foundation launched the first Safety Ambassador program with Shishu Mandir School on the 21st Of November 2018. The vision was to teach and train a few students the importance of safety on our roads, homes and society. These students in turn carry this message across to other students in their own school and schools in other parts of our city.

We must say, we are thrilled with our first batch of Safety Ambassadors. These 30 school children, from classes 6th to 9th, have carried out various programs in their own school, passing on the message of safety not only with fellow students, but also among the parents.

They have created awareness by making posters and enforcing the use of helmets among the parents and senior students. They were laughed at, but they stuck to their stance and ensured that the message was taken seriously.

The Safety Ambassadors have had workshops on safety which includes not only road safety, but also electrical and fire safety. One child said, “I only knew about using water or fire extinguisher to put out fires. Here I learnt about the different causes of fire, and how it is not right to use water in some cases. It can cause more damage – for example, in electrical fires”

As ambassadors, we are preparing them to spread the message of safety in their peer circles, and their friends/families. In preparation for this, they presented their own views on road safety.  They advocated not to drive without a proper license.  One said, “we can’t just blame government. We should take interest, and ask for better infrastructure in our neighbourhood”.  Another said “First of all, only if I follow the rules can I tell others”.

They also expressed their creative skills and presented a skit on road safety.

Recently, along with @Walnut Knowledge Solutions, The Arundhati Foundation had organised Qshala program for these students. Besides learning social skills and communication skills , these children learnt about fire, electrical and road safety in a fun and engaging manner. These were presented to them through quiz questions and assignments. It was absolutely wonderful to see their enthusiasm in learning and actively participating in the Qshala workshop.

Thank you Anagha Shridhar and Walnut Knowledge Solutions for a precious partnership which , we, at the foundation have no doubt will be sustained for years to come.

Thank you Shishu Mandir, co- ordinators Ms Sandhya, Ms Preethi , MsKavitha and Safety Ambassadors! May you grow and help grow the concept and vision of Safety Ambassadors.

Ms Sandhya who was the Supervisor from Shishumandir said that she felt lucky that she was chosen to coordinate this program, for she herself has learnt a lot.

Sharing a few pictures of these sessions.




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BioQuest 2019

Year 2019 has started with a lot of energy for The Foundation. January saw an exiting and highly successful quiz on safety for school children – SafetyQuest 2019 – in Goa. March saw me taking another trip to the favourite place of the family …GOA ! This time, to attend BIOQUEST 2019, hosted by The Department Of BIOCHEMISTRY, Goa Medical College.

The Foundation has been associated with BIOQUEST since 2015. However, this is the first time I had an opportunity to be present in person for this quiz competition in the subject of Biochemistry. The brain child of Dr Chitra Dhume, HOD of the Department Of Biochemistry, and very ably supported by members of staff of the department, I was absolutely amazed to see how well it is organised and conducted.

The quiz was conducted on the 28th of March and was attended by the whole first MBBS batch students and also a few seniors. The preliminary rounds had been conducted earlier and five teams of two students each won a place in this years finals. I loved the names they had given the teams : Amino acid group , Buffers group, Carbohydrate group, DNA group and Enzymes group! The enthusiasm of the participants and their friends in the audience was fantastic! Quizmaster Dr. Karapurkar did a wonderful job ! There were surprises and tough fights till the end. The winners of the first place were Ms Aindri Tiwari And Ms Gautami Nitin Rao. However, each one of the finalist went home with textbooks which will help them in the 2nd MBBS and a trophy each!

The prizes were sponsored by Dr Chitra Dhume in the memory of her mother and The Arundhati Foundation in the memory of Aru. Incidentally, she was a topper in the subject of Biochemistry.

I also addressed the students and held a Road Safety Awareness Session. In the audience, there were atleast ten individuals who had lost a family member in a road traffic accident. Just goes to show Road Safety is so important a subject in the current scenario.

It was a day spent extremely well for me. It was indeed touching to see that every year a staff member gets lotus flowers in Aru’s memory, the symbol of The Arundhati Foundation. Each finalist is welcomed on stage with a Rose, on behalf of Dr Chitra’s mother and a lotus, on Aru’s behalf.

I am indebted to Dr Chitra and each and every member of the team for a fantastic organisation of BIOQUEST 2019. I look forward to the next and am sure , next year we will together make the BIOQUEST 2020 another grand success!

Sharing a few pictures of this program.




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Safety Quest 2019

25 Jan 2019: Safety Quest 2019. This time in Goa.
Thanks to the initiative by the Fire and Security Association of India (FSAI), Goa Chapter, and with tremendous support from Mr. Ashok Menon, Director, Directorate of Fire and Emergency Services, Goa, the Safety Quest 2019 this time went 600 km across to the state of Goa!
This time we had 230 students from 45 schools across Goa! The Menezes Braganza Hall in Panaji was packed. FSAI had organised buses to bring them over from 6 different centres in Goa. We cannot thank the students enough for this whole-hearted participation! And, their teachers – whose support made the difference




After a safety announcement, Shubhangi kicked off the proceedings, and urged the students to enjoy the quiz while learning from it, for there is science and common sense behind safety.

SQ19_0 SQ19_00

Our chief guests for the opening function included Mr. Ashok Menon, and Smt. Neela Mohanan, Secretary, Board of Education, Goa.
Smt. Neela Mohanan talked about the passion that she had seen when Shubhangi met her with the organizers is Sep 2018. She asked all the children to participate whole heartedly, and with the spirit of competition.
Mr. Menon posed a quick question to the children checking if they all knew the phone number to call in case of Fire. The children responded in unison “101!!


Then, the quiz master, Raghav Chakravarthy from Walnut Knowledge Solutions took over and conducted the preliminary round of 20 questions. To give you a quick glimpse of some of the questions:
• Which is the deadliest animal – responsible for most human deaths in a year? This data comes from the World Health Organization, which ranks Man as the second-most dangerous! The snake is third in the list. The answer is The Mosquito! It is responsible for the spread of viruses that cause deadly diseases – Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, Zika and Japanese encephalitis
• An audio clip was played – a famous sportsperson and former MP – exhorting pillion riders to wear helmets. Most children answered correctly – this was Sachin Tendulkar. When the video clip was played, Raghav asked the children, “What did he not do properly?” – and they answered, “he was not wearing seat belt”
• A video was played: Puncturing a cellphone battery will produce anything from a little bit of smoke and a terrible smell, to a full-blown explosion. This is because _______ in the battery reacts to both oxygen and _____ in the air. And the reaction is rapid. The answer is Lithium ( a highly combustible metal ) and Water!
While the answers were being checked, Dr. Rajesh Dhume, Senior Psychiatrist, Dept. of Health Services, engaged the children in a very interesting and interactive discussion on substance abuse. This was under the Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK) of the National Health Mission. Dr. Rajesh, who is also a follower of the foundation, urged the children to stay away from addictive substances because they alter the brain circuits in a way that medicines cannot fix.


We had a short break where snacks were served to all.
This was followed by the finals contested by the top 6 six teams. There were 5 rounds, the last 3 on the buzzer. There were ups-and-downs as the teams vied for the top place. The team from Loyola High School upped the ante in the last round and came from behind to finish 3rd. The ultimate winners were Yuri Naidu and Srijan Kumar from Sharada Mandir High School, Panaji. They stayed calm through the quiz, and scored consistenty in each round. Sharada Mandir had another team that finished 2nd.
A few samples of the questions in the finals:
• What connects Class B (oil), C (electrical), D (combustible metals), K (cooking oil and grease) fires? The answer : Do not use Water to extinguish any of these. Water is heavier than flammable liquids, and cooking oils / fats – it will cause a fireball. Water is a good conductor of electricity – using it with electrical fires will endanger the firefighter.All combustible metals react violently with water – can cause toxic gases and explosions.
• In 2018, when Crystal Tower in Mumbai caught fire, 10-year old Zen Sadavarte alerted her neighbours and family. Using a technique that she learnt as part of her disaster management project, she helped the people breathe in the presence of smoke. What did she use and how was it effective? The answer: A wet towel ! Cloth held over the nose and mouth will provide protection from smoke particulates; If the cloth is wet, it will also absorb most of the water-soluble toxic gases
• The inspiration behind one of the new helmet designs is the skull of a bird. It has spongy tissue that allows it withstand tremendous shock. Which bird? The answer : The woodpecker! Woodpeckers hammer their beaks into trees at the astonishing rate of up to 22 times per second, creating impacts 100 times larger than a human brain can withstand
The prize distribution was graced by Dr. Muktesh Chander, IPS, DGP, Goa, and Dr. Jose D’Sa, Deputy Director of Directorate of Health Services, Goa.
Dr. Muktesh Chander asked the audience a KBC-style question : “What does the helmet protect? Your options are (A) the elbow (B) the rear-view mirror (C) the head”. He was very passionate in asking the children to influence their parents to use helmets, and to follow traffic rules.


At the end of the event, the children were given packed lunch, and the buses took them back to their centres.

We received very good feedback from the audience – the students, the teachers, some parents, and even our partners!
FSAI’s comment was that we should make it a yearly event in Goa, and do it on a bigger scale, with regional rounds followed by a grand finale.
One of the parent’s commented “I came to drop my daughter, and thought I would stay for some time. However, it was so interesting, that I stayed through the whole event”.
One teacher has gone on record to say that she has been neglecting wearing helmets, and has now vowed to wear it.
Coincidentally, my cousin, Kiran Nagapurkar from Thane was in Goa, and since he came to know about the event, he landed up at the hall. At the end, he told me “the only feedback I have for you is that this event should be done in Thane”
We are glad that the message as well as the medium for delivery is resonating with the people.
A big Thank You to all our esteemed guests. Despite their busy schedules, they came to the event on a working day, and gave us their support. We have also submitted a small document “Ideas for a Safety Curriculum” to Smt. Neela Mohanan, hoping to work on it to improve the safety awareness from the school level.
One of our biggest gains was the partnership with FSAI. The men who made things happen need a special mention: Kulashekar Kantipudi, Prem Nadar, Sameet Manerkar. FSAI volunteers from engineering colleges did tremendous groundwork to reach out to all the schools and mobilise the participation. They managed all the logistics : the fund raising, the transportation, food, event arrangements, trophies and mementos. It was on their shoulders that we rode this event. Their effort and dedication was just superb! Many thanks and kudos to the team.


Also, a shout out to our Knowledge Partners : Walnut Knowledge Solutions. They spent many hours iterating through the content and revising it to get the right message across. And Raghav conducted the quiz with great panache.

Lastly, we would like to acknowledge our key sponsors :
* Deccan Fine Chemicals
* Directorate of Health, Goa ( RKSK Program of The National Health Mission)
* Mr. Caesar Menezes
* Mr. Bhaskar Nayak
* Seascan Maritime Foundation
* Dr. Ramesh Dhume
* Mr. Pramod and Mrs. Ahilya Sabnnis

Thank you all for your contributions, participation, and effort to make this event successful.

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Proactive Driving at BNCA, Pune

3 Jan 2019 : At Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati College of Architecture, Pune

My buddy Ajit Joshi put me in touch with Rajan Gorhe – Chairman of the Maharshi Karve Stree Shikshan Sanstha.  Rajan was keen to move forward immediately. The MKSSS has over 26,000 students in various institutes. We finally decided to do one session, and picked the college where we would have students who have started driving.  Dr Kashyap – Principal of the college – got in touch with me to plan the event. Unfortunately, both Rajan Gorhe and Dr Kashyap had prior commitments, so they were not present for the event. However, they managed all the coordination in the background to ensure that it was successful.

We had over 300 students in the auditorium, some sitting on the floor. All in the age group 17-21 years.  This is the age group that we most want to reach out to.

When Shubhangi talked about the background – about Arundhati and how her accident led us to shed the fatalistic attitude – there was pin-drop silence. Shubhangi’s words connected deeply.

The students had a limited time for lunch before their next lecture. But they stayed on to sign the pledge.

We also got feedback from a few students which was very encouraging. Here are a few comments from the students:

“We are grateful to the college for bringing forward such an important issue. It was truly a heart touching session. Thank you so much”

“Thank you for arranging the lecture … it was really worth attending for all of us”

“It was a very inspiring talk. They both spoke fervently, and from the depths of their heart”

Mr. Nitin, a faculty at the college, is currently doing a project on the streamlining of traffic on Bajirao road. We would certainly like to collaborate with such ventures to make our roads safer.

We intend to take this further with Dr. Kashyap and Mr Gorhe. We will take a more comprehensive view and draw up a joint plan.

We had the good fortune to visit the original “karma bhoomi” of Maharshi Karve. This was the hut where he started his mission of educating women, beginning with 4 widows. The institute now has 62 branches, educating over 26,000 girl students.  See

Next to this is the “Sampada Bakery” where the senior students are encouraged to “earn and learn”. We talked to two such students, and both of them are also shining in their academics!  It is obvious that they have a lot of pride towards the work they do. Equally notable is the work of the staff who ensure that the work is managed smoothly while allowing for the time required by the students for their studies / exams / etc.

It is also remarkable that the institution that Maharshi Karve founded has continued to flourish and continued to make such a large impact after his active involvement ceased. We, at The Arundhati Foundation, have a lot to learn from the MKSSS.

A special thanks to Mrs. Sangita Mohokar who helped us conduct the session at the BNCA.



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Road Safety at The Greens


29 Dec : At The Greens, Thergaon, Pimpri-Chinchwad.

My childhood friend Prasad ( Pranav ) Dasnurkar  had been after me for a long time to visit him, and also to use the opportunity to reach out to the people in the neighbourhood.  Prasad also lost his sister in a road accident in 2012. His mother has been in touch with us – she understands our grief fully and has been very supportive.  I had promised Prasad that we will do a session in 2018, and I am glad that we could do it before the end of the year.

I was extremely pleased to see a few young people in the audience; young Manas led the rest of the folks in reading out the pledge at the end.

One person remarked that it is annoying and distracting when the passenger in the front seat is talking on the phone. My suggestion is that if the driver is getting distracted, the driver should speak up and tell the passenger that it is distracting.  I have picked up an interesting perspective from Alan Alda’s  interview by Shankar Vedantam on “The Hidden Brain”. Alan says that he makes the first move with the taxi driver and asks “where are you going?” .. the little bit of empathy gets taxi drivers to respond better! Similarly, when talking about a driver who was a bit rough, Alan said “It’s affecting me”.  If we try to tell the driver how to do his job, he will take offence. Instead, shift the angle: what’s it doing to me.  Others respond better in such situations.

We also met Mr. Jatkar – a resident of Greens who works at Syngenta. He helped us with the audio-video setup. Mr. Jatkar mentioned that Syngenta regularly conducts safety sessions in the company, and these are mandatory for the employees. I was very pleased to hear that some organizations are being proactive in this regard.  Mr. Jatkar has requested me for my material for he thinks that he can use it in Syngenta to make a bigger impact. We are very happy to partner with Mr. Jatkar to spread the message.

Another tidbit : my son  shared this with me at the end of the session. There were two senior citizens who “strayed” into the presentation. They did not know what it was about, but they said to each other “let’s see if it’s interesting”. And they stayed through the full hour of the presentation. Maybe we are doing something right in how we present, if it is able to hold the attention of a stray participant.

A special thanks to Sandhya and Shirish Bhatawdekar who helped in coordinating the logistics for the event.




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Tenets of Proactive Driving at INS Shivaji

27 Dec 2018 : It was quite an honour to be at this premier institution. We had over 300 cadets and sailors in attendance – mostly in the age group of 19-25 years. There were a few cadets from overseas – Bangladesh, Myanmar and Sri Lanka. There were a few families as well, and, of course, the officers from the institute. All in all, it was a packed house at the Menaka auditorium!

As we go forward on our journey of creating awareness on road safety, we learn along the way and grow. This time we took time to understand the traffic situation in Pune and places around Pune and realized that in Pune, the accidents have seen a 9.5% increase from the past year
Since visuals have a higher impact, we added a few videos :
o Distracted driving is akin to driving blind
o How a slower speed would have stopped the car before the accident
o How a seat belt is effective in preventive fatal injuries
Sure enough, these have a powerful impact on the presentation.

The motto of INS Shivaji is “Karmasu Kaushalam” : Skill in Action. I drew the parallel to their profession and stressed on the need to be totally alert and on-guard on the road. Proactive driving = alert anticipation.
Towards the end, Shubhi walked up to the stage to talk about why we do what we do. She was very collected and I could see that what she said made an impact.

So when the time came to take the pledge, all the cadets stood up, stretched out their hand, and took the pledge together! This gave us goosebumps. There is something quite powerful in a simple pledge – a call to action – and it gets amplified when so many sincere cadets say it in one voice.

I believe we made a positive impact. Commodore Srinivas who felicitated us said that he would recommend this to other training bases. And sure enough, a few days later, we have received a request from INS Kattabomman, Tirunelveli.

This is the first time that Shubhi and Anuj have attended the session I do for seniors. On the way from the auditorium to our room, our son Anuj said “Good job. I am proud of both of you”. That means a lot to us.

I must thank Mrs Fanny Chakrabarti for her initiative. She got in touch with us in November requesting for a road safety session. Her husband is the officer-in-charge of the Centre of Marine Engineering Technology (CMET).

The team of Cdr Pawandeep Singh, Lt Nitin Sharma, and Sub-Lt Aditya Katoch who helped coordinate the entire event did a wonderful job. Our sincere thanks to them.

Thanks to the hospitality of INS Shivaji, we also got to see a few places in Lonavala and the 2000-year-old Karla caves.





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The Arundhati Foundation Launches The “Safety Ambassadors” Program with Shishu Mandir

Every year on the 21st of November, Aru’s birthday, we strive to launch our new programs with various partners. This year, we are proud to announce that we have launched the ‘Safety Ambassadors’ program with Shishu Mandir.
Shishu Mandir ( and my family go back 12 years when we shifted to our house in Ulsoor. Looking out of our balcony, we would see tiny tots running around on the lanes behind our house, merrily playing with young European Students. Curiosity aroused, Aru and I made inquiries to find out that it was a home for sick and poor children from not so fortunate families. There were orphans being cared for too. We learnt that Shishu Mandir was founded by Ms Hella Mundra, a German, married to Dr D. D Mundra who ran Ashok Nursing Home. Shishu Mandir now operates from its beautiful facilities at Virgonagar.

My awareness talk on Safer Roads, Safer India- Our dream for the Future on the 21st was attended by students from Standards 5 to 10. As always, we seek to make improvements in our sessions. This time, we introduced several pictures which had both safe and risky behaviours. The session was interactive and hence the children learnt a lot more. They were curious and sharp. I was impressed and amazed by their knowledge and awareness about Road Safety.
The children have experienced personal losses and there were at least seven children in the audience who had lost near and dear ones in road accidents.

As it was Aru’s birthday, the session which is always a challenge, proved to be even more difficult. But I It was even more important to me to reach people that day because, she could not celebrate her birthday only because of the accident.

The lunch was sponsored by the Foundation and it gave me solace to see that all the children in the school could eat lunch to celebrate Aru’s birthday.

The next day, the teachers followed up and asked the children to jot down what they had learnt – very briefly. It was extremely heartening to see the teachers and children respond in this manner. I will be sharing the narrative of one of the students who lost two brothers in accidents.

Kudos to the Founders, Mr Anand and the teachers for doing a fantastic job. Thank you Ms Stella for co-ordination and Principal Ms Rani Tandon for organising the event. Moreover, to the children of Shishu Mandir you are all very inspiring.

At Shishu Mandir , Liberation is indeed Awakening.
Sharing a few pictures of the event !


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AABHA 2018

Aabha … this is the program of the Arundhati Foundation to reward the Pursuit of Excellence in Pathology. We chose the word “Aabha” for a reason – it means splendour.  We encourage one student in Pathology, at the Christian Medical College, where Aru had started her post graduate study. In a short period of time, she had won the hearts of her teachers and students alike by her hard work, dedication and passion for the subject.  The first award was given on the 10th of November 2014, exactly two months after her untimely death.

This year, the Dr. Arundhati Tambwekar Award for Excellence in Pathology was won by Dr. Nufina Muralidharan. She was handed the Gold Medal at the convocation ceremony held on the 5th of November at The Christian Medical College, Vellore.

Dr Nufina obtained her MBBS degree from Madras Medical College in 2013 and completed her internship at Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital Chennai. She has had a brilliant academic record all through – she secured overall State 4th rank in Xth Board ( Matriculation ) Examination.
She enjoys quizzes and is interested in Arts and Crafts including painting, hand embroidery and dance.

In Dr Nufina’s own words: “I realised my passion for Pathology during my internship days. I wanted to be a surgeon initially but realised during this time that I was interested more in diagnostics which in turn aids in the appropriate management of patients. I firmly believe in the role of pathologists as the ‘directors behind the scene‘ and would like to spread the awareness and significance of pathology to the many younger and brighter minds.”  The subject of Neuropathology is of particular interest to her.

Dear Dr. Nufina, on behalf of The Arundhati Foundation, we congratulate you on this achievement and hope you continue your pursuit of excellence in your chosen field.
May you shine with ‘Aabha’ …the splendour of excellence!

2018_Aabha_DrNufinaCert    2018_Aabha_DrNufinaMedal

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Road Safety Session at Tata Elxsi

3 Aug 2018 : We had this session at the Hoodi facility of Tata Elxsi.  ~100 employees attended.

I try to keep updating my material with new inputs, new ideas. This time, I decided to mix narrative stories with data/non-narrative messages. Research  says that the story-based interventions most strongly affect people’s intentions to change their behavior, while non-narrative messages most strongly affect cognitive beliefs and attitudes.

I opened with the story of the Poladpur accident – A group of 32 started off on a picnic, with 2 drivers. Unfortunately, at a place near Poladpur, the bus went off a cliff and fell into a deep gorge! There was one person who miraculously escaped, but 33 people crashed to their unfortunate, untimely death.
“33 .. is that a big number? .. well, we lose over 400 every day in our country! That is like a plane crashing down every day!”

I also linked other information on the Poladpur accident at the relevant places.
One report  has it that the bus skid and slipped over loose stones and wet mud. In the section on speeding, I referred to this. Safe speed is decided by the context, not just the sign board. And for this, the driver has to be attentive. When driving on surfaces such as gravel, wet roads, loose stones, the traction between the tire and the surface is low. “Drive to the conditions”: slow down to keep the vehicle in control.

Another report  has it that the driver turned back for a moment to talk to the passengers.  Passengers can be a distraction! And in most cases, they do not realise it! Yet, the driver has to stay focused on the road. Prepare mentally and physically for the journey. His primary job is to get himself, his passengers, the vehicles safely to the destination without any harm to the other vehicles, people or property.

I also decided to change the term “Defensive Driving”. The term “Defensive” has several synonyms that are apt in our context : alert, watchful, cautious, on guard.  But “defensive” has a passive connotation. And, there is one other element that is important : anticipation. Therefore, I have now decided to call it Proactive Driving : be alert, and anticipate! Could the bus driver have anticipated the kind of distractions possible on the picnic, and better prepared to deal with them?

One person came up to me and asked about how much we are able to influence politicians. I hope that the collective effort of like-minded organizations will be successful – and we will get to see the Motor Vehicles Amendment Bill passed through the Rajya Sabha !

I sincerely thank Sunil Kumar and RS Murthy for giving me this opportunity.

Here are a few more pics from the session.


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Road Safety Session at K B Hedgewar School, Goa

July 2

A wonderful session on Road Safety and Awareness at Dr K B Hedgewar School.

We were amazed at a recent video we came across – our Prime Minister interacted with some bright students from this school.
CLICK HERE for the video

Children of this school have made a device that will automatically dip the car light beam when it detects another vehicle approaching from the opposite side. We were curious to meet these children and see the possibility of working together on road Safety related issues. It was wonderful to interact with these talented students Sumedh Prabhudesai, Lekhraj Surlakar and Sanad Baligeri.

We also conducted a session on road safety. Around 250 students of classes 9 and 10 joined the session.

The question and answer session was extremely interesting . It is amazing to realize how well informed the students are about a lot of the latest developments.

The Arundhati Foundation would like to thank the students, teachers and management of Dr. Dr K B Hedgewar School, Cujira, Bamboli. Special thanks to Mr Subhash Desai and Principal Vilas Satarkar.
And a heartfelt thank you to Tarush Dhume for providing the much needed support during the session.

Here are a few photographs of the session.



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