Not everybody can be creative like Baadal!

Not everybody can be creative like Baadal!

Potholes have reappeared on the Bangalore roads after brief rains. see link

The condition deteriorates pretty quickly if action is not taken. Bangalore is a regular witness to accidents due to potholes. Some that are acknowledged are noted here and there are many more that do not get recorded as such. The injuries are far more than the fatalities.

Please take a step to bring about the change that you want to see in Bangalore. Artist Baadal Nanjudawamiy uses his creativity to draw attention to the menace. The pictures above speak volumes about his good work.

For most of us, this is difficult. But we can do one simple thing.  Every one of us sees and experiences potholes on our paths – on the street where we live, on our way to work, on the way to our weekend recreation, and so on.   Use BBMP’s Sahaaya website, and log a complaint about the pothole that bothers you. Select Complaint category as Road Maintenance, and Complaint Type as Potholes.  Mark it using the map provided. It will take just 5 minutes.  It gets noted, it gets tracked.

Please do it! now! Go to



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