IndoUSMIM_DBP_Road Safety Training

Road Safety at Indo-US MIM, Dodaballapur

On 16 July, we did a session at Indo-US MIM, Dodaballapur.  It was extremely well organized.

Safety as a value is ingrained into the culture of the organization and they live it everyday on the shop floor. We urged them to extend the same to the roads.

We have reworked our presentation. A video from the Kolkata police has been added, the statistics are presented with more impactful graphics, the order of slides has been changed, and the presentation is more crisp now with the core message built around the 5 elements of the pledge.

We think it had some impact – and we were extremely touched by the gesture of the Indo-US MIM team who stood up and took the pledge along with us.

Thank you, Manoj Kabre (Vice President – Sales & Marketing at Indo-US MIM Tec Pvt. Ltd) – you have been a true friend of the Foundation, helping us spread the message.

And Thank you, Avinash, the designated Safety Officer,  for the efficient organization and the wonderful collage.


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Distributing Raincoats at Ashoknagar Police Station, Bangalore

Raincoats for Traffic Police

JUNE 13, 2016

It was a pleasure to be of some help to the Ashoknagara Traffic Police.

A big Thank you to Mr Raju Naik for his sincere and earnest help rendered to all his colleagues. He was instrumental in seeing that 80 police personel got raincoats.

The simple , well organized and sincere gathering we had was so much in line with what Aru believed in..
It was a pleasure to interact with ACP CEntral Division Mr Nataraj and Inspector Mr. Mohd. Siraj. Mr Nataraj encouraged his troop to help accident victims even if it meant going beyond the call of duty. We would like to thank both of them for being around to encourage the personel and the foundation.

We will partner with the police station to see that the personel get a refreshers training in advanced first aid.
To Mala Shyam and Shyam Kokku, the twenty happy police personel you directly sponsored say a big Thank you..
Also Team @ Travel Zone OPH road Shivajinagar. Thank you for your help in sourcing the right kind of raincoats.

A couple of more pics here :


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Not everybody can be creative like Baadal!

Potholes have reappeared on the Bangalore roads after brief rains. see link

The condition deteriorates pretty quickly if action is not taken. Bangalore is a regular witness to accidents due to potholes. Some that are acknowledged are noted here and there are many more that do not get recorded as such. The injuries are far more than the fatalities.

Please take a step to bring about the change that you want to see in Bangalore. Artist Baadal Nanjudawamiy uses his creativity to draw attention to the menace. The pictures above speak volumes about his good work.

For most of us, this is difficult. But we can do one simple thing.  Every one of us sees and experiences potholes on our paths – on the street where we live, on our way to work, on the way to our weekend recreation, and so on.   Use BBMP’s Sahaaya website, and log a complaint about the pothole that bothers you. Select Complaint category as Road Maintenance, and Complaint Type as Potholes.  Mark it using the map provided. It will take just 5 minutes.  It gets noted, it gets tracked.

Please do it! now! Go to



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Pothole Fixing on Cambridge Road

Today, the first Sunday of the month (3rd April 2016),  The Arundhati Foundation took up the activity of filling potholes on CAMBRIDGE ROAD. We planned to fill two of them – a big one right opposite St Meera’s School, and a small one near the Voltas shop.  We decided to start with the bigger one.

It  has been a a nightmarish experience for commuters to get past this one as the road leading to it is a narrow road, with a T -junction right in front of School. To add to it, there is a blind turn on the right side with the pot hole sitting pretty right there!

A resident who came up to us to say thanks told us that he has complained to BBMP but nothing has been done about it. It was nice to see people stopping and thanking us for taking this up.

We used 100 Kgs of Shelmac ( ready made cold  mix from Shell)  to fill this pot hole !  This should give a rough idea about the size of this one! It cost the foundation three thousand  rupees ( 3,000/-) to fill this pothole . But we feel satisfied that it might save precious lives of someone like our daughter.

We chose to focus on just the one pothole, and used up all the Shelmac that we had procured. We will tackle the second pothole another day, after we procure more material.

We were joined by our friends and volunteers of the foundation, Mr Ajit Bedekar, Ms Arati Bedeker and Mr Muthukumar. It’s always nice to have friends to give a helping hand and they are a source of emotional support to us  during such activities.  Thank you Arati, Ajit and Kumar!

pothole_2         pothole_3


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Aditi Awards 2016

It gives me great pleasure to announce the ‘Aditi Awards’ for the year 2016. The BIOQUIZ 2016 was held on 17th Of March 2016 at the Department of Biochemistry Goa Medical College by Dr Chitra Dhume, HOD, Biochemistry and her able and efficient team.

The winners of this year’s Aditi Awards  are Rahi R. Shetye and Anurag Avinash Shenvi Dalal. The Arundhati Foundation congratulates the winners and hopes they will keep their quest for excellence on throughout their lives!

Many thanks to Dr Chitra Dhume, an ardent and important supporter of the foundation and the entire team of BIOQUIZ , Department Of Biochemistry, GOA MEDICAL COLLEGE.

For more pics, please visit  Aditi_Awards_2016

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Media’s Help In Spreading Our Message

The work of The Arundhati Foundation is being noticed. We were fortunate to have some coverage in the recent past

11 Jan 2016 : In the Economic Times

14 Jan 2016 : In I Change My City

9 Feb 2016 : In The Better India

Thank you for spreading word about The Arundhati Foundation. And Many Thanks to The Friends of The Foundation whose support and well-wishes have helped us.

Together, we will succeed in bringing about the change.


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Safety First : Reflective Jackets for our Traffic Police


9th February 2016 marks 17 months to the day which changed our lives forever.  We wanted to do something positive today..something our child will be happy to see. 
Some time ago, we noticed that the police personnel who direct traffic at night are not visible when doing their duty. Sometimes the junction is not well lit, sometimes the glare of the lights makes it hard to spot them in their khakis. They need to be seen!  Their safety is as important as anyone driving on the roads. Hence, we thought it would be appropriate to give them some reflective jackets.
I remember Police constable Mr Thimaaiah who used to stand guard at a signal near Cubbon Road. He had a very well groomed mustache! Aru used to love watching this official manning traffic so efficiently. Mr Thimaiah lost his life in a RTA when a car rammed into him while on duty.
The Arundhati Foundation honours the memory of those traffic personnel killed in the line of duty. Our small shraddhanjali to their memory.
The first batch of reflective jackets for Traffic police has arrived!  We gave 15 jackets to Jeevan Beema Nagar traffic police division. I know that there are some hard working and sincere traffic police attached to this division. They man traffic at Indiranagar, Jeevan Beema Nagar , Old Madras road ( a black spotfor RTAs ) and part of Ulsoor. 
These jackets were handed over to SI Revanna. The personnel at the station promised us that they will use these jackets diligently.
There are 64 police attached here and eventually, we plan to equip each one of them with these jackets.
Also we would like to equip other traffic police stations as well – hopefully with public support, this will be possible.
Here is a pic of SI Revanna with the jackets, and another pic of the jacket being used on duty at night.
image1            image2
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Safety Sessions at Shishumandir

6 Feb 2016

This session was organised at Shishumandir, Hella Nagar ( near Garden City College ). It was in 2 parts :

  • For the younger children, we had the Disney Safety Smart Video emphasising the 4 cardinal rules of safety “Slow Down”, “Pay Attention”, “Use Protective Equipment”, and “Do Not Distract”. Thanks to the Underwriters Laboratory for making this video available to us.
  • For the elder children who use 2 wheelers, we had a Drive Safely session covering our material on Defensive Driving

Many Thanks to Mr. Manoj Kabre and the Rotary Club who helped us organise this.  Thanks to Caroline who coordinated all the logistics.

some pics from the event :



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At Kenscio

Road Safety Session at Kenscio

4 Feb 2016

Thanks to Manjunatha K G – an old family friend, and an ex-colleague – now the Founder and CEO of Kenscio Digital Marketing Pvt Ltd.  He organised this session very effectively at his company premises.

The entire focus was on inculcating defensive driving habits. Thanks to the participants for making it a very interactive session, and also to those who have reached out to us to volunteer their support to The Arundhati Foundation.

Here are a few pics, and the pledge signed by the Kenscio employees.



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