This year, the annual Safety Quest was held on Sunday, Dec 1, 2024.
I urge readers to try it out themselves, and check out their Safety Quotient. I am sure there will be something to learn here.
Use this link to SafetyQuest2024.
Caption Contest
Prior to the event, we ran a caption contest in which we received some very nice responses. The winners of this contest were Hiranya and Anvita.

Other notable captions included :
Atharv : A broken speed limit, broken rules, often leads to a broken mirror and a fatal bruise.
Abha : Fast and reckless today, shattered dreams tomorrow
The Quiz
Safety Quest is now generating interest all across the country, and we had 261 participants across 30+ cities. Apart from the continued support we have from Bengaluru, Mumbai, New Delhi, Hyderabad, for the first time, I saw attendance from Jaipur, Ludhiana, Satna, Bokaro, Vijayawada, Bidadi, Moradabad. And again, we had participation from outside India – this time Abu Dhabi and Port Harcourt.
And, we had a more or less even spread of participants across grades 5 to 9.
We had over 1000 registrations, so we must figure out how to increase the participation.
Students performed well on questions related to : CPR, OTP, using insect spray.
It was very heartening to see that most of the students knew the Stop-Drop-Roll technique that is used when one’s clothes are on fire.
But, on the other hand, the students were not able to answer questions related to : steps involved in calling for help when they see a road accident, dowsing an oil fire in the kitchen.
Surprisingly, many of the children were not conscious of the role of listening when crossing the road. Listening is especially important when obstructions ( a parked vehicle, a tree, a corner, etc. ) hide the oncoming vehicles from view.
The Winners

For the first time, Bengaluru did not figure in our winners! This time, the Winner – Shuban Singh – was from Varanasi, and the 2nd, 3rd place went to sisters Nitya and Ananya from New Delhi. Congratulations to the winners!
A word cloud that captures key takeaways for the children.

Some Feedback
Shuban Singh: “I think the quality of the questions was extremely good. It was very very clearly visible that these questions had a lot of thought put into them.
There was a lot of emphasis on mitigation strategies, however personally I felt as if there should’ve also been a focus on why do accidents happen. Some questions were there related to this so not really that big of a deal.
Overall the quiz was extremely balanced, definitely not boring. It was a huge huge step up from previous years and definitely more engaging simply because more lateral analysis was required.”
Nitya : “The online road safety quiz on Kahoot was an enjoyable and informative experience. It was kept interesting by the real-time leaderboard and interactive structure, which I enjoyed. However, because there were sporadic lags, question variety and technological stability need to be improved. The learning impact would be increased by including more real-world, applicable examples.”
Ananya:”The road safety quiz on Kahoot was a fun way to learn important safety rules. I liked the engaging format and instant feedback. The quiz could be improved by including more diverse question types and a review session for wrong answers. A slower pace would also benefit participants.”
Atharv: SafetyQuest 2024 was very engaging and informative experience I really appreciate the efforts to make children realise the importance of Safety-awareness. I learnt some new road safety measures, and learnt about cyber frauds like digital arrest.
Thank You!
A big thank you to all our participants, and to the parents who supported them. Your active engagement makes all the difference! Continue to be safety ambassadors wherever you go!
Thanks also to Mrs Sandhya Lovekar for her help in judging the caption contest.
A word of appreciation for the Qshala team who worked hard behind the scenes to curate the questions, to mobilise participation, managed the platform and all the related logistics. A special thanks to Komal Sharma who led this effort and was the emcee for the event.
And heartfelt thanks to Shalaka Thakur whose generous donation helped us stage this event.
Some Pics